Join the Zucker Institute on Thursday, October 17th, for a Lunch & Learn featuring Lisa Drakeman, Ph.D.

Basic Science 302 (with virtual Teams option), 12:00 – 1:00 PM

Special Announcement!

MUSC Basic Science 302 (with virtual Teams option)

Thursday, October 17th
12:00 - 1:00 PM

For Industry

ZI is the point of contact for industry and entrepreneurs wishing to commercialize intellectual property from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).

Our Portfolio of Companies

Discover our diverse portfolio of startup companies, each making strides in their respective fields through innovative solutions.

Opportunities for Industry Collaboration

Industry professionals, uncover a spectrum of opportunities for collaboration and growth with the Zucker Institute. From research partnerships to joint ventures, we’re here to connect you with innovative possibilities.


The Zucker Institute will facilitate licensing conversations to match industry with MUSC inventions.


Our in-house engineering team has the ability to co-develop devices coming out of MUSC, with industry partners to maximize the impact of the final product.

Opportunities for Industry Collaboration

Industry professionals, uncover a spectrum of opportunities for collaboration and growth with the Zucker Institute. From research partnerships to joint ventures, we’re here to connect you with innovative possibilities.

Research Partnerships

Collaborate on cutting-edge research projects and drive forward scientific advancement.

Joint Ventures

Partner with us for mutually beneficial business ventures in the field of innovation and technology.


The Zucker Institute will facilitate licensing conversations to match industry with MUSC inventions.


Our in-house engineering team has the ability to co-develop devices coming out of MUSC, with industry partners to maximize the impact of the final product.

Innovation Showcase

Discover groundbreaking innovations in our Innovation Showcase. Stay up to date on the latest advancements and technologies emerging from the Zucker Institute.

Industry Events

Join us at our Industry Events to network, learn, and collaborate with leaders and innovators in the field.

SC Bio: The Science of Success, uniting industry leaders, executives, officials, and supporters in Greenville, SC for insightful sessions on biotech, medtech, pharma, digital health, policy, therapeutics, and economic development.

AUTM: Where technology transfer professionals from around the globe meet to connect, make deals and gain insights from world-class speakers and panels.

BIO: Where business and breakthroughs converge. Whether it’s across hemispheres or across the aisle, BIO brings the industry together to solve the most pressing issues facing our world.

Industry Events

Join us at our Industry Events to network, learn, and collaborate with leaders and innovators in the field.

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Industry Categories

Our Facilities

We have a state-of-the-art prototyping lab that is housed immediately adjacent to the clinical innovators that we serve. We have three large format 3D printers that allow us to quickly iterate while designing prototypes to test. We have the ability to print a full color range as well as a wide range of durometers and materials. In additional to technology development, we are able to utilize our lab to support surgical planning by printing real anatomy from patient MRI scans so that surgeons can better visualize and practice many approaches prior to going to the OR.

Medical Device highlights

Our Portfolio of Companies

Discover our diverse portfolio of startup companies, each making strides in their respective fields through innovative solutions.

For Industry FAQs

We understand that you may have questions regarding our resources and support for researchers. Below, we’ve compiled some frequently asked questions to provide you with the insights you need. Whether you’re interested in collaborating with our researchers, exploring licensing opportunities, or learning about our innovation ecosystem, we’re here to assist you. Explore the FAQs below to learn more:

We prioritize partnerships with companies interested in commercializing our inventors’ innovations. Depending on the innovation’s type and stage of development, partnerships may involve:

  • Licensing an innovation

  • Sponsoring further research

  • Engaging as a consultant

Industry partners should review our intellectual property, licensing agreements, and research collaboration policies. Our team will guide you through the necessary procedures for collaboration.

Explore our [link to Technologies page]Technologies page[/link to Technologies page] to discover the innovations our inventors are developing, or contact us for more information.

Our licensing managers utilize various strategies to identify potential licensees, including leveraging existing relationships, conducting market research, and attending industry events. We also promote inventions through our website and direct outreach efforts.

Studies have shown that the majority of licenses result from contacts already known by the inventors or ZI staff. We also identify licensees through market research, industry events, and existing relationships.

Finding a potential licensee can vary in duration, depending on factors such as the innovation’s attractiveness and stage of development. Most university inventions require substantial commercialization investment, impacting the time to attract a licensee.

Industry partners’ active involvement significantly improves the chances of finding a licensee. Utilize your industry networks to identify potential licensees and communicate the technical advantages of the innovation.

Yes, an invention can be licensed to multiple companies, either non-exclusively or exclusively for specific applications or geographies.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have questions regarding our resources and support for researchers. Below are some frequently asked questions to provide you with the insights you need.

There are several. Aside from compliance with the IP policy,working with the Zucker Institute helps translate your innovation into a product to benefit the public. Most people have no experience navigating the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office or negotiating a licensing deal, and this is our forte. Additionally, the Zucker Institute pays for the patent costs, which run several thousands of dollars.
Shortly after submission, you will receive a formalacknowledgement email providing a case number and alerting you as to whether the Zucker Institute needs additional information. After that, our office will begin to evaluate the IP and commercial potential of the innovation. Someone from the office will contact you to discuss the idea in more detail to ensure that they have a good understanding of what the innovation entails and its state of development. You will be notified of the go/no go/next step decision within a few weeks.

We have to provide your home address and citizenship to the USPTO. We also use your home address to mail royalty checks to you.

Under federal law, MUSC is required to report to the Government inventions created under sponsored research. If MUSC decides not to take title to such an invention (that is, decides not to keep it), then the Government has rights to it. Non-Government sponsors may also have intellectual property clauses and obligations attached to such sponsorship with which the Zucker Institute must comply.

As detailed as possible. All information provided to the Zucker Institute will be kept confidential. Without adequate information, the Zucker Institute cannot perform a complete evaluation of the invention’s patentability and licensing potential.

In the U.S., an inventor has one year from the date of public disclosure in which to file a patent application. Once that year has passed, the invention cannot be patented.

There is a fairly low threshold under patent law for what is considered a public disclosure. Any disclosure that describes the invention to people outside of MUSC could be considered a public disclosure. A published manuscript, conference presentation or poster, webpage, grand rounds, and a dissertation indexed at the library may all constitute a public disclosure. Grant proposals to federal agencies may be deemed public disclosures as well if they do not contain CONFIDENTIAL markings on the appropriate pages. Please contact our office before making a public disclosure of any kind. We can help get confidentiality agreements in place with anyone who you need to discuss the invention with.

The MUSC IP policy gives the university rights to anything that you create within your hired field of expertise. It is blind to the time use to work on the innovation. Compliance with the policy is a condition of employment and student status. View the policies.

Let’s work together to create a better future

Let’s collaborate to shape a brighter future by advancing innovative solutions. Reach out to us and let’s make a difference together.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you may have questions regarding our resources and support for researchers. Below are some frequently asked questions to provide you with the insights you need.

The Zucker Institute provides many services to MUSC, including the following:


  • Evaluation of technologies disclosed by MUSC researchers
  • Management of the patent and copyright portfolios
  • Marketing of technologies to commercial partners
  • Negotiation, execution, and maintenance of license agreements for the intellectual property rights to MUSC technologies
  • Help with MUSC startups, and SCTR, SCRA and SBIR/STTR granting programs

No. Companies wishing to sponsor research at MUSC may contact the MUSC Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Although, the Zucker Institute does take into consideration the amount of sponsored research funding provided by a licensee when determining the valuation of a license agreement.

Intellectual Property arising from research at MUSC is offered for commercialization via option and license agreements only. Intellectual property generated using federal funding is prohibited from being assigned by U.S. law. Even if a technology was created without the use of federal funds, option and license agreements best serve the mission of the Zucker Institute and MUSC.

Yes. If a company is interested in further evaluation and testing of a technology, option agreements are available. Optionees pay a modest upfront option fee, an option exercise fee and all related patent and/or copyright expenses during the term of the option agreement.

No. Patent prosecution is difficult to predict and the laws vary from country to country. The Zucker Institute encourages all potential licensees to confer with a third-party patent attorney to better appreciate the risks involved with patent prosecution before a license agreement is signed.

No. Such in-depth legal analyses become quickly outdated as new art and patent applications come to light. The Zucker Institute encourages all potential licensees to confer with a third-party patent attorney to conduct such an analysis during due diligence.

No. The Zucker Institute is a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit entity that provides technology transfer services to the Medical University of South Carolina.

The “Bayh-Dole Act” is Title 35, Sections 200-212 of the United States Code. Among other things, these provisions provide the U.S. government with non-exclusive rights to patents arising from federal funding.

Yes. The MUSC Intellectual Property Policy (PDF) calls for net proceeds to be distributed to inventors/authors, their labs, their departments, their colleges and the university.

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Join the Zucker Institute on Thursday, October 17th,
for a Lunch & Learn featuring Lisa Drakeman, Ph.D.

In this session, Lisa Drakeman, a renowned biotech CEO and co-author of From Breakthrough to Blockbuster: The Business of Biotechnology, will share her expertise on making investor pitches from startup through IPO and beyond. Learn how understanding investors’ needs is the first step toward fundraising success and gain insights into transforming your scientific presentation into a clear biomedical business pitch.

MUSC Basic Science 302
(with virtual Teams option)

Thursday, October 17th
12:00 - 1:00 PM

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